Q Lakewood IT's management and the Board of Directors would like to see your work from the past several weeks consolidated into a single report along with a presentation. Here is an outline for your final report: • Title page • Table of Contents • Executive Summary (1 page) • Problem Statement • SWOT Analysis • Recommended IT service solutions o Required features and functions o Optional features and function • SWOT to Solution Analysis o Explanation of how the required features and functions address identified items in the SWOT analysis • Network topology & hardware o Recommended topology o Recommended hardware • Cost Analysis o Summary narrative of capital and operational costs including total project cost in year 1 o Table of line item capital costs with total o Table of line item on-going operational costs with total • Final Recommendation • Summary/Conclusion The paper must not exceed 15 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use: • Times New Roman, 12 pt font/typeset • Double spaced lines • The APA Manual, 7th edition's title page, header, margins, figure, table, and heading formatting • The APA Manual, 7th edition's writing mechanic guidelines Rubric IST 7020 Project Final Rubric IST 7020 Project Final Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplicability 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent The content and information sources all relate to the assignment and course content with excellent integration of course material and sourced material. 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good The content and information sources mostly relate to the assignment and course content with good integration of course material and sourced material. 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory The content and information sources generally relate to the assignment and course content with adequate integration of course material and sourced material. 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement The content and/or information sources marginally relate to the assignment and/or course content. 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The content and/or information sources do not relate to the assignment and/or course content. 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Statement 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent The problem/issue is very clearly and concisely identified within a single sentence/statement. 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good The problem/issue is clearly identified; however, the statement lacks conciseness (e.g., run-on sentence, more than one sentence). 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory The problem/issue is adequately identified, but lacks conciseness (e.g., run-on sentence, more than one sentence) and additional clarity is needed. 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement The problem/issue is minimally identifiable or discernable lacking a single, concise statement and additional clarity is needed. 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The problem/issue is not identifiable or discernible. 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSWOT & SWOT Analysis 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent Identified all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and clearly and concisely explains how the required features and functions address all the items in the SWOT analysis with exceptional detail 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good Identified nearly all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and explains how the required features and functions address all the items in the SWOT analysis with good detail 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory Adequately identified most strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; and adequately explained how the required features and functions address the items in the SWOT analysis 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement Identified a few strengths, or weaknesses, or opportunities, or threats; and did not adequately explain how the required features and functions address the items in the SWOT analysis 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Did not identified any strengths, or weaknesses, or opportunities, or threats; or did not explain how the required features and functions address the items in the SWOT analysis 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeService Solution 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent The assignment clearly and concisely identifies and describes a SaaS solution and a non-SaaS solution with excellent detail; and describes the benefits and limitations of each solution; and identifies optional features with excellent detail 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good The assignment identifies and describes a SaaS solution and a non-SaaS solution with good detail; and describes the benefits and limitations of each solution with excellent detail; and identifies optional features with good detail 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory The assignment adequately identifies and describes a SaaS solution and a non-SaaS solution; and describes the benefits and limitations of each solution; and adequately identifies some optional features 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement The assignment does not adequately identify or describe a SaaS solution or a non-SaaS solution; or does not adequately describe the benefits and limitations of each solution; or does not adequately identify some optional features 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The assignment does not identify or describe a SaaS solution or a non-SaaS solution; or does not describe the benefits and limitations of each solution; or does not identify some optional features 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNetwork & Hardware 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent The assignment clearly and concisely, with exceptional detail, identifies and describes a network topology; and includes the benefits and limitations of the topology; and explains the topology recommendation with excellent detail. 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good The assignment, with good detail, identifies and describes a network topology; and includes the benefits and limitations of the topology; and explains the topology recommendation with good detail. 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory The assignment adequately identifies and describes a network topology; and includes the benefits and limitations of the topology; and adequately explains the topology recommendation. 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement The assignment does not adequately identifies and describes a network topology; or does not adequately include the benefits and limitations of the topology; or does not adequately explain the topology recommendation. 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The assignment does not identify or describe a network topology; or does not include the benefits and limitations of the topology; or does not explain the topology recommendation. 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCosts 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent The assignment clearly and concisely, with exceptional detail, identifies and describes capital and operational costs; and includes an exceptionally detailed and very logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the project 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good The assignment clearly and concisely, with good detail, identifies and describes capital and operational costs; and includes an well detailed and logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the project 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory The assignment adequately identifies and describes capital and operational costs; and includes an adequately detailed and somewhat logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the project 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement The assignment does not adequately identify and describe capital and operational costs; or does not include an adequately detailed and somewhat logical and accurate table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the project 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The assignment does not identify or describe capital and/or operational costs; or does not include a table of line item capital and operational costs associated with the project 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary/Conclusion 9.1 to >8.65 pts Excellent The summary and/or conclusion section is very logical and directly related to the paper's content (no new or unsupported information present) with exceptionally clear and extremely well detailed summations and/or conclusions 8.65 to >8.01 pts Good The summary and/or conclusion section is very logical and directly related to the paper's content (no new or unsupported information present) with clear and well detailed summations and/or conclusions 8.01 to >7.83 pts Satisfactory The summary and/or conclusion section is generally related to the paper's content (some new or unsupported information present) with adequate clarity and detailed summations and/or conclusions 7.83 to >7.01 pts Needs Improvement The summary and/or conclusion section is minimally related to the paper's content (contains a majority of new or unsupported information) or lacks adequate clarity and detailed summations and/or conclusions 7.01 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The summary and/or conclusion section is missing or not related to the paper's content or lacks clarity and/or summations and/or conclusions 9.1 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent The assignment's content has excellent organization and a very local flow with appropriately used section and/or subsection headings clearly organizing the content into logical sections and/or subsections 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good The assignment's content has good organization and a local flow with several appropriate section and/or subsection headings adequately organizing the content into logical sections and/or subsections 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory The assignment's content is adequately organized using a few somewhat appropriate section headings helping to organize the content 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement The assignment's content contains little organizational structure or seems to be randomly present the content 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory The assignment's content lacks a discernible organizational structure. 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentences & Paragraphs 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent All of the sentences and paragraphs are clear and well-constructed and all of the paragraphs include a main idea in a topic sentence with details arranged in a logical progression reflecting thoughtful insight, contain related details, and excellent transitions between paragraphs. 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good A majority of the sentences and paragraphs are clear and well-constructed and a majority of the paragraphs include a main idea in a topic sentence with details arranged in a logical progression, contain related details, and good transitions between paragraphs. 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory Many of sentences and paragraphs are clear and well-constructed and many of the paragraphs include a main idea, discernible pattern of organization, contain related details, and appropriate transitions between paragraphs. 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement Some of the sentences and paragraphs are somewhat clear and well-constructed, but many of the paragraphs are missing a main idea and/or they lack a discernible pattern of organization, contain unrelated details, and limited transitions between paragraphs. 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory A majority of the sentences and paragraphs are not clear or well-constructed and often lack clarity and/or most of the paragraphs are missing a main idea and/or they lack a discernible pattern of organization, contain unrelated details, and no transitions between paragraphs. 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, Grammar, Punctuation 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent No spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors are readily apparent 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good Paper contains 1 or 2 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory Paper contains 3 or 4 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement Paper contains 5 or 6 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Paper contains more than 6 spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors 9.09 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style/Formatting 9.09 to >8.64 pts Excellent No APA errors are readily apparent 8.64 to >8.0 pts Good Paper contains 1 or 2 APA errors 8 to >7.82 pts Satisfactory Paper contains 3 or 4 APA errors 7.82 to >7.0 pts Needs Improvement Paper contains 5 or 6 APA errors 7 to >0 pts Unsatisfactory Paper contains more than 6 APA errors 9.09 pts Total Points: 100
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